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How to Pick a Good Watermelon:

Tip #1: Find the Field Spot

The field spot is a creamy spot on the outside, and it’s where the watermelon was resting on the ground. The field spot should be a yellowish creamy color.

Tip #2: Pick a Dull Looking Watermelon

A shiny appearance indicates an under-ripe melon. This applies to honeydew melons too.

Tip #3: Knock on It with Your Knuckles

Your knuckles should bounce off the melon, and the surface should be pretty hard/firm. You will get a dull thud if the flesh is soft, which indicates it’s starting to spoil.

Tip #4: Get the Heaviest One for Its Size

This applies to pretty much all produce, but you want to pick the watermelon that is the heaviest one for its size. That means there’s more water in it.

Tip #5: Check for a Uniform Shape

Some watermelons are round, some are oval, and either is fine. But if there are irregular bumps, this indicates the melon may have gotten inconsistent amounts of sun or water.

Tip #6: Look for the Sugar Spots and Pollination Points

If you see black spots on the melon, this is where sugar is seeping out and indicates a sweet melon. Also, if you see dots in a line (not a scratch), these are pollination points, and the more of them the better.

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